
Hi! I'm Rachel. I suppose I'm what you would call an 'old soul'. I've always had a quiet, introspective way about me that probably often left people a little confused. So, naturally, I started a blog. I like to write about the things that affect me most deeply, like the joys of motherhood, the hard questions of faith, the realities of life...and sometimes even the humor found in the absurdity of it all. In addition to writing, I love music, photography, conversations around campfires, and dreaming about vacations.

I married a pretty wonderful guy named Clint. He feels that he was born in the wrong century, poor thing, and frequently expresses disdain for the current state of the world. His means of escape is spending time in the outdoors, and he has often said his dream job would be testing survival gear in the wilderness. But don't let all that fool you – he's also a computer whiz, a youth group leader, a lover of fun, and the best daddy in the whole world.

My firstborn is a brown-eyed, blonde-haired beauty who's as precocious as they come. We named her Hannah Noelle because she was our Christmas gift of God's grace. She loves all things girly – dresses, makeup, fairies – but also loves climbing trees and adventuring in the backyard. I'm not sure how, but she didn't inherit my introvert nature and is a great conversationalist and people person. She is a joy to be around.

My second child is my only son, an energetic, rough and tumble little fellow who loves dinosaurs, animals, and beating us at memory games. We named him Abram Joseph because our prayer for him is that he grows into a man of God. Sweet and sensitive, he is the silliest of the bunch, and his laugh is the best I have ever heard. He's also our little chicken farmer who takes pride in collecting eggs from our hens each day.

My third and youngest baby is Cora Ivy, whose name means 'heart of faithfulness'. She has a smile that lights up a room and loves keeping up with her big brother and sister. Her favorite activities are eating, shrieking, and exploring, especially outdoors.

Thanks for allowing us to share a little bit of our lives with you. We hope you enjoy reading about our adventure.