That close call with insanity made me realize how much I rely on the Internet, and especially Google, for my information fix. I google everything:
“What do you want to do this weekend? “Hold on…hmmm, looks like there’s a street festival on Saturday.”
“What’s the name of that song?” “Um, I don’t…wait, let me google the lyrics real quick!”
“Liam Neeson looks really large in his movies. He must be really tall.” “Just a second…why, you’re right! He's six foot four!" (Yes, that really happened.)
I can’t remember what life was like before I literally had everything I ever wanted to know at my fingertips. I just remember wishing I had encyclopedias whenever I had a question about something. My kids aren’t even going to know what an encyclopedia is.
"Mom, is that like Wikipedia?”
“Ugh…no. Nevermind – go ride your bike!”“Bike? Are you talking about my hovercraft?”
I realize this isn’t a new concept. I’m sure you recall those Bing commercials about ‘Search Overload Syndrome'. Yeah, I could totally relate. I can waste so much time clickety-clicking my way across the Internet. But you know it’s really bad when you almost attempt to google things that can’t be googled.
Of course, now that Facebook has ‘Timeline’, it might not be long before we can start googling our life events and actually come up with a few hits.
Too bad Facebook wasn’t around while my grandma was still here. I’m sure she would have tagged me in her owl story note, right?