Start on Baby Boy’s scrapbook. I haven’t even purchased his
scrapbook. In fact I’m not even 100% finished with Hannah’s first-year scrapbook.
Stock the freezer full of meals. I was far too exhausted to do
much of anything my first time around with a newborn, so this sounds like a
great idea, in theory. Unfortunately, I enjoy having leftovers too much to ever
actually freeze anything. I foresee a lot of grilled cheese sandwiches and
tomato soup in our future. Good thing one of the easiest meals is also the
hubby’s favorite!
Get the house impeccably clean and organized. Thankfully, nesting
has somewhat kicked into gear, and I have found the energy to get some of this accomplished
lately. It just never feels complete, but I suppose it never will.
Make the most of this last little bit of time with just my sweet little
girl. Fatigue has made this a challenge, but I hope I’ve been able to
do this as best as I can. No doubt Hannah will love being a big sister, but
things are about to change in ways that we can’t even imagine. The past two years
have been so precious… and so fast.
I know I’m more prepared than I think. Eventually I’ll get
into a routine, and everything will fall into place. And none of this really
matters anyway because all I’m going to want to do is love on my two babies. I’ll
forget why the rest of it seemed so important.
So tonight I'm letting go of the little things and simply enjoying my evening
with my loved ones.
Happy Halloween!