Best. Birth. Ever.
Okay, maybe not, because I didn’t experience one of those
crazy “orgasmic” births that I’ve heard about (thank goodness – that’s a little
too weird for me), but I really don’t think it could have gone any better!
I noticed the first contraction at 7:45 a.m. on Monday,
November 28. I thought it was just one of those pesky Braxton Hicks
contractions again, sent forth to get me all excited about nothing. Then I
noticed another one at 8:00. And then 8:15.
Hmm…every 15 minutes, I
thought. Well, that’s weird. They never
did that before.
But they were completely painless. Absurdly painless. Not
even uncomfortable. They continued like that all day. Hannah and I went to have
lunch with Daddy. I told him not to get his hopes up because it was probably
just a fluke…but maybe it meant it would happen in the next few days.
(I never experienced
contractions like these on my own with the first labor. My water broke, and I
ended up on Pitocin to speed things along. That’s why I seem so naïve/in denial
in this story.) J
By suppertime the contractions were around 8 minutes apart
and a little more noticeable, but I still wasn’t convinced that it was the real
thing. (Yes, I know, I’m ridiculous.)
By bedtime we decided to get some sleep and figured if I
really was in labor, things would probably pick up later in the night. The
second I laid my head on my pillow, I had my first intense contraction. I had
to breathe through it. Clint said, “I don’t think we’re going to get any sleep
if you keep that up.”
They started coming about 4-5 minutes apart, and I finally
called the midwife around 11:30 p.m. She was already at the birth center and
said to come in whenever I was ready. We loaded up everything – including our
poor, sleepy little Hannah – and arrived at the birth center at about 12:30
a.m. I hurried inside in between contractions and sat down just as one hit. The
midwife said, “Oh wow, she’s serious.” (She had just sent someone home who’d
had a false alarm.)
Our friend Jen met us there to keep an eye on Hannah, who by
then was wired and totally excited about this middle-of-the-night adventure.
They stayed in the waiting area, and Clint and I headed to the birthing suite. Turns
out I was seven centimeters dilated. I was definitely having a baby, and soon.
Clint started filling the tub for me while I walked around a
little and concentrated on breathing. I pictured Hannah’s face during each
contraction, which actually really worked to take my focus off the pain.
Meanwhile the midwife was running around like crazy while trying not to look
like she was running around like crazy. A few times she called the nurse, who
was on her way, and basically said, “Hurry.” I was excited because I knew I
must be closer than I even realized.
Sibling Love |
By the time the tub was filled, the contractions were getting
pretty painful. I labored in the tub for maybe twenty minutes and started
feeling pressure. I had considered delivering in the tub, but by then I was in a
lot of pain and couldn’t get into a comfortable position. I decided to move to
the bed, and the nurse arrived just as it was time to push.
I’m glad that part doesn’t last very long. Talk about intense. I growled like a mama bear
through several pushes, and then the midwife checked Abram’s heartbeat and
said, “Okay, let’s get this baby out.” So I got serious.
One final, major push.
And then there he was. My son. He looked so much like his
sister. I wondered what she would think of him. When she was brought to the
room to meet him, she simply smiled and said, “Hi, Baby Brother.” I don’t think
I’ve ever felt more blessed than at that moment.
I’m thrilled to have gotten the natural birth I wanted, but
more importantly, I’m so thankful for such a smooth, uncomplicated labor and
delivery. He’s here and beautiful, and we’re all healthy. I have nothing else
on my Christmas wish list this year. Except a little extra sleep. ;)